The Bela Vista

Photo credit ©

Michelle Kwok
I really like it though I only stayed there for one night in the 1990s.
Yolanda Christian Short holiday but lovely too.
Lawrence Tsui Had lunch at the veranda after it was renovated.
Amanda Vogel Loved it before and after renovations
Neil MacDonald: Made any number of films and TVC's there, from 'Around the World in 80 Days' to a commercial for Yves Sant Laurent 'Opium' perfume commercial. Stayed there many times, too, mostly when it was part of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group, for whom I made the in-house film 'Moments of Delight' back in 1995.
Yolanda Christian What lovely experiences you have had at the Bela Vista. Was that 'Around the World in 80 Days' with Pierce Brosman [can't spell his name]? One of my favorite films. Watch it every Christmas on DVD.
Neil Macdonald Yes, it was. And Peter Ustinov. And there were many cameo appearances too, from the likes of Jill Ireland, Robert Wagner and Eric Idle. I worked production for Salon Films, we had a mix of local Chinese, Italian and American crew but it was a fun shoot, hard work, but fun!
Neil Macdonald As an ex RHKP officer, the director thought it would be amusing to cast me as one of the two police officers working with the Peter Ustinov character trying to apprehend Brosnan - I'm one of the two characters walking with Ustinov and he makes his way around the Bela Vista in a rickshaw. Look out for me when you watch it again!
Yolanda Christian Neil Macdonald I've only just seen this reply from you--apologises. Well, that movie is one of my favorites. It's very very funny, but you know I never managed to get my hands on the second CD so I never saw the end. I just play the first part over and over!!! Yes, as you say the mix of film crew must have been fabulous. By the way, Happy new year, m'dear.
Yolanda Christian Neil Macdonald OMG. Do you have a photo of that scene by the Bela Vista. You will have everyone in heaps of laughter!

Jennifer Bowskill Neil Macdonald did you know Russel Cawthorne?
Clement Fan Reminds me of episode of Seinfeld where they had this retirement home as Del Boca Vista.
Sienna Lai you remember that too!!
Neil Macdonald Hey, Amanda, your dad was one of my course instructors at PTS along with John Chetwyn-Chatwin and Richie Bent. His passing affected many of us and he's fondly remembered by all.
Amanda Vogel Thats very nice of you to say. He is missed so very much. Was a very special man. Will pass your message onto Marilyn.
Stilton de Montford Lunch and dinner many times. Wonderful
Yolanda Christian And a beautiful view and walk afterwards...
Osbert Lam $105 for a room with a balcony, 1983.
Yolanda Christian I don't remember paying that much.
Osbert Lam $95 without the water view. HK$
Yolanda Christian Osbert Lam Thanks for that. I still have complete amnesia about what I paid. I did have a sea view. I've been very fortunate to stay in a variety of hotels in different countries. Don't ask me how I managed this on a shoestring, but I did! 

Marcio Wong Very expensive ...
Yolanda Christian I don't remember it being expensive, silly me.
Marcio Wong For me it's expensive... hahaha
Yolanda Christian Marcio Wong I was an impoverished artist at the time, but I financed my trip through China by being run over!!! True!!
Marcio Wong I just went to Asia because I married a Chinese woman.
Yolanda Christian Marcio Wong You tell us more about this on a post of your own.
Marcio Wong Not because I don't like , but because it's too expensive for me .
Marcio Wong But already been there 6 times , I love Hong Kong. I want to live there after retire .
Alexander Wong HK$105/night in 1983 was cheap, Carlton in Tai Po Road was HK$450, Shatin Riverside HK$500/night and Furama HK$1050/Night. After 1992 when she was relaunched as Mandarin Oriental Bela Vista it was over HK$3000/Night
Yolanda Christian Marcio Wong Only just seen your comment. I hope you manage your dream to retire there and I hope the atmosphere remains unchanged. Best wishes to you and your wife and Happy New Year 
Yolanda Christian Alexander Wong crikey, 3000 HK dollars per night! Sorry for the delay, I didn't see the comment. My laptop is very humble. Happy new year, Alexander Wong, may you be safe and healthy. 
Marcio Wong Yolanda Christian . Thanks , happy New Year to you and all your family .

Rosa Ross refugee
George Remedios REFUGEE would be during the War II, my aunt lived there too, I think 10 in a room, courtesy of Macau government I guess - other family members lived in Fai Chi Kee, poor area, hey it's war time, better than being in HK under Japanese occupation, like Prisoner of war camp in Sham Shui Po - Macau was neutral
Yolanda Christian Yes, very lucky refugees, but still tough, eh, George Remedios?
Yasso Leung: the family on my father’s side fled to Macau during Japanese occupation of HK. My family told me it was tough trying to grow food to eat on a small plot of low-grade soil
George Remedios Yasso Leung I think they learned to eat every part of the animal - lung, stomach, intestines etc. not much choice ...still better than Japanese Prisoner of war camp in HK.
Yasso Leung George: As civilians, my father and his family would not have been locked up as POW. They fled to escape the Japanese bayonets.
George Remedios Yasso Leung bayonets - and what about rape by Japanese soldiers ?
Yolanda Christian Comfort stations too.

Mb Mcintosh
Tourist 1963
Chris Dunstall Yes as a tourist with my parents
Chris Dunstall Yes as a tourist with my parents
Arthur Leung ๅฒก้ ‚
Yolanda Christian Arthur Leung for us ignorant ones, what does 'Okayama' mean? Does is mean OK?
Alexander Wong We stayed there at her last day on 23 4 1990 before she was closed for renovation

Kieron Combes Loved this place
Oli Young My parents honeymooned there in 1957! And a family favorite in subsequent years. I loved breakfast on the verandah!
Jonathan Ho Macau has a few nice boutique hotels.
Jet Hitoshi Nagai Couldn't stay, but visit restaurant many times.
Yolanda Christian Good restaurant or average?
Jet Hitoshi Nagai Very nice restaurant. Room and foods is nice they also had tables on the balcony with view.
Alexander Wong Breakfast at the Verandah the last day of her operation before renovation - 23 April 1990

Alexander Wong Vincent Chang@ see our late Andrew Tam having breakfast with me in 1990.
Vincent Chang My first visit was in 1952 when l celebrated Christmas in Macau with my Portuguese friends. Your photo with Grace is beautiful

Chris Donnolley I did
Hi Mi Had a lunch in 1996.
Anne Parton Stayed there many times in the 1980s.
Joan Summers Tourist...
Robert Gary Dodds Stayed in the eighties and loved it when living in Hong Kong.
Kirstin Shafer Moritz Yes. A vision from the past even then.
Yolanda Christian You're right about that.
Brenda Blake Yes I did in 1982 and my parents did in 1947 on their honeymoon!
Yolanda Christian Brilliant!
Enidandeddie Lang We did. Armies of cockroaches from the kitchen to the dust under our beds! But wasn't Macao such an incredible place in those days?
Enidandeddie Lang 1969
Jim McGhee Several times
Ernesto Maurice Corpus Stay, no. Party, yes - the tradition of the annual Bela Vista Ball, held every autumn - party till the sun came up.
Marc Lucas I had a romantic get-away to the Bella Vista in the late 80s when the hotel was a monument to decaying splendor. We were 22 and in love and we felt the real world was a million miles away.
Yolanda Christian Oh, you capture the romantic moment well. Lovely.
Vicki Armour History
Judith Spencer Honeymoon 1959 December 19th
Madeline Jones Yes! And had their famous crab curries!
Madeline Jones That was in the 50s thru to the 60s
Julian Molyneux Tourist
Bobbie Trenchard-Smith Yes in 1961. And got eaten alive by mozzies. Still loved it though.
Paul Fortune Many times with my parents in the '60's...- good memories ❗️ ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ ๐ŸŒด ๐ŸŒด
Matthew Birch Stayed in the Bella Vista many times when I went to the Macau GP with family as a kid.
Patricia Malone Yes and what a dump!

Yvonne Christine Smither Stayed 1968
Yvonne Christine Smither Yes a dump but went out and had a great evening
Jayne Purser Met the man who would become my husband there at the final final Bela Vista Ball in 1999.
Yolanda Christian Oooo how lovely. Pluck of violin... harp... angels

Lyn Baxter Tourist
Hugh DB Sutherland For Ted Marrs parties!!
Amanda Vogel Oh yes, werent they amazing! Had the honour of being last to leave one Sunday in my ball gown!
Caryl Lambourn 1959. My parents took me there as a break from studying for my 11+ exam.
Yolanda Christian I hope you passed.
Caryl Lambourn Yes I did thank you. Went on to be an English teacher in Australia.

Patrick Shaw Bank Foreign Staff + Family in the 70’s ~ Classic and wonderful!
Katherine Woodthorpe Yes we loved the Bella Vista when we were kids in the 60s. And the zoo and going there by ferry or hydrofoil. At the zoo there was a little non-descript brown bird (maybe a mynah) which if you whistled to it, would puff up its chest and say “ good morning to you senor”.
Yolanda Christian That's the kind of event that would make my day!
Elissa Stuart Remember him well !

Glenys Day Newall Spent my wedding night there in 1994
Yolanda Christian Very romantic. I'm not jealous really.
Richard Abrahall My last visit was just before it was handed over to the Portuguese Consul. (1999) It had been transformed to become an upmarket boutique hotel. My first visits lead me to agree with Patricia's assessment.
Dan Yip The only hotel in Macau has her charm remained.
Yolanda Christian Yes, the Bela Vista has a lot of charm about it.
Li Siu Wah Not yet. But almost once
Chan Ho Pang I stayed there with some friends once back to the early 80's... There were only a few rooms .... Too bad we did not take any photos ...
Yolanda Christian I know what you mean. I didn't take any photos either.

Mitchell Allen
My family stayed there several times, when we were there 1956 to 1960. It was heavenly, the food was great, I remember the fresh baked rolls. And my parents loved the Portugese wine. I stayed there once more in 1965. I visited in 1967, but it didn't seem to be open for business. I think the Communists had taken over. There was laundry strung up to dry in the main lobby. In the mid fifties, Macau was a quiet and sleepy town, much less noisy and busy than Hong Kong.
Chan Ho Pang  ๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘
Chan Ho Pang I like Macau in the 60-70's...quiet n sleepy!

Yolanda Christian Very interesting Mitchell Allen
Julie Whitehill Hladky The rolls were the best ever!!
Mitchell Allen Julie, I think my parents knew yours'! Harry and Mary Lou Allen....
Julie Whitehill Hladky Ah, yes! :)
Yolanda Christian Julie Whitehill Hladky It's a small world.
Kieron Combes Back in the 80’s I was staying there for Grand Prix weekend. During the night there was a burst water pipe in the bathroom above mine. Very early in the morning the maintenance team just let themselves into my room and squelched around in 2 inches of water trying to carry out repairs. Going down for the hotel epic breakfast was the only option. Always an adventure.
Yolanda Christian Kieron Combes now that ive controฤบled my ridiculous sense of humour...your memory conjured up an aspect of the Bela Vista that few people would have experienced.
Kieron Combes We loved the trips to stay in Macau’s Fawlty Towers. We will never see the like again. It was almost as if this one institution had slipped through the crack of time.
George Salamon It wasn't expensive then
Robert Richmond Tourist in the 60's I remember the bread rolls and the chicken?
Felix Patrikeeff Loved the place, stayed there and loved its African Chicken  ๐Ÿ˜
Yolanda Christian Yum.
Marc Lucas Wasn't that Fernandos?

Felix Patrikeeff Marc Lucas I’m sure you’re right, but I usually had mine on the balcony, I seem to remember. A most relaxed way to enjoy it!!
Yolanda Christian I'm seriously jealous
Yolanda Christian Marc Lucas Do you mean, Nandos? ha ha

Ward Kauffman Many times. Poor mans vacation spot for us. Used to fly kites from there.
Robert Richmond Wasn't it chicken in a basket?
Felix Patrikeeff Don’t know about the chicken in the basket, Robert, but certainly the African Chicken was notable.
Stephen Anderson No, but many times, drinks on the balcony and now annual Portuguese national day celebration.
Peter Johnson My favourite room. Top floor extreme right hand corner.
Yolanda Christian Photo?
Peter Johnson What?

Yolanda Christian
Peter Johnson No photos of the room or view... or anything else while you were there.
Hugh Cameron Terrible service
Yolanda Christian How terrible?
Hugh Cameron Slow and rude. They did not realise or accept that some gwal lo understood Cantonese.

Yolanda Christian Ooops.

Tim Luard We used to find the slow service all part of the charm on lazy weekends away from the rush of 1970s HK. Just sitting on the terrace looking out over the water and along the praya, hearing the slow soft swish of the ancient waiters' slippers as they shuffled up behind you with a tray full of cold drinks.... Not quite so peaceful was the time we shared a room with a very passionate young couple in a creaky bed. Then along came robert o'brien with his owl, rescued from the night market... Alison remembers the Bela Vista as being even better when she went as a child in the '50s - but sadly no photos.

Hugh Cameron You may be charmed by waiting over 30 minutes for your morning coffee. I was not. Sorry we disturbed you, creaky beds do that.
Yolanda Christian Tim Luard Fabulous memories. Honestly!

Pat Dawson
Stayed there as part of a St. Georges 6th form school trip. Large numbers of the Portugese army gathered outside to try and get the girls to come out with them. Teachers saw them off! Was a memorable and very happy school trip with school mates so have very fond memories of the Bela Vista.
Yolanda Christian Sound really lovely and innocent times.
Chan Ho Pang Bela Vista used to be a residential mansion belonged to rich family,during war time it turned into a holiday hotel for British military officers..until 1941... Became A hotel named Bela Vista.. Every week end there would be a Tea Dance with live bands...

Chan Ho Pang

Yolanda Christian Wish I knew how to dance like that.
Chan Ho Pang Yolanda Christian  ☝️you can...
Meena Na Chao what old memories
Yolanda Christian Chao Meena Na Not that long ago!
Meena Na Chao 50 or 60s
Meena Na Chao But the ladies were in cheongsam
Joyanna Jenkins James Yes!
Peter Moss I was first there in 1968. My favourite room was top floor extreme left hand corner.
Enidandeddie Lang Ours was on the ground floor, close to the kitchen. Lowly HK civil servants with a sense of adventure!
Yolanda Christian I was upstairs somewhere. Just a couple of days.

Yolanda Christian Peter Moss I think there's another person on this post that favoured that room!

Julie Whitehill Hladky Yes. Many times.
Yolanda Christian Mitchell Allen Chan Ho Pang George Remedios "It was over a hundred years old and had started out under French and then British management, and by the nineteen-forties, had become a 'place of safety and food for Hong Kong and Kowloon Portuguese refugees…During the fifties, the hotel was sold on to three Chinese women. One of them, Paulo Chung, vanished during the Cultural Revolution. Another manager, Adriao Pinto Marques, died in his rocking chair on the verandah."-------Anyone know what happened to Paulo Chung?
Tracy Cosgrove Loved it
Marion Pack Stayed there several times.Most recently about 1996. Wonderful!
Brian Almond Paid $280 a night.
Robin Moyer Of course
Alexander Wong That $280 in 1996 would be USD as she was then under Mandarin Oriental 's management
Vincent Chang I visit Bela Vista on my trips to Macau
Yolanda Christian What did you think of it? Damp? Cockroaches? Great chicken dishes?

Richard Abrahall Visits in the 1970s started with trying to repatriate the cockroaches back to the Jurassic from the bathroom before my wife would venture inside. Our last visit in 1999 found us having dinner there (normally we would head to Fernando's) . The ladies wanted vino verde (Casal Garcia or similar) the men had Cristal beers and Dao red wine. The verde was a dark brown. Clearly they had kept it well past its best not realising the verde bit meant drink it in the year it was bottled. We sent quite a lot back before something less opaque was produced
Yolanda Christian Besides entertaining us, you have educated me. I never knew that 'verde' meant drink it in the year it was bottled! I bet your wife appreciated your bathroom forays.
Kitty Au Lucky no cockroach during our few stays there. Our last visit was about 2008 ( try some new hotels in Macau now) , remember relaxing with a glass Casa Garcia, sat under the sun in autumn.

Yolanda Christian Kitty Au Fantastic.

Carolyn Slater Whitehill Stayed there many times.... On a windy day when eating breakfast on the verandah, the corn flakes would fly off the table.... The warm rolls were the best in town.... ....
Yolanda Christian A few people have remarked about the bread rolls.
Chef Hans beautiful Sunday brunch...
Noel Parrott The beds squeaked.
Peter Johnson More water ran down the walls than came out of the taps, but l loved it.
Yolanda Christian So I believe!
Anna Swansea Noel!
Yolanda Christian Seeing as tomorrow is Christmas Day, I hope you will come back to this post and tell us what it was like to celebrate that same day at the Bela Vista. I'm very easy to please. A sucker for anything really... xx Happy Christmas. xx
Yolanda Christian George Remedios Yasso Leung Chan Ho Pang Rosa Ross An extract from 'A WWII Refugee remembers Caixa Escolar Days in Macau By Horatio Ozorio' posted without his permission-------- "I conclude this tiny memoir by expressing the belief that but for the grace of God and the humanitarianism of the Macau government some of us refugees might not have made it through the war."
--------I don’t suppose any of us Macanese refugees from Hong Kong, who left for Macau soon after the capitulation in 1941 of Hong Kong to Japanese invading forces, had any idea of what to expect when we got to Macau. If we thought of refugee camps along the lines of those we see today in Palestine, Afghanistan, and Rwanda, it would be hard to fault our imagination. What we got, however, was palatial in comparison.
--------The Macau government had set aside properties like clubs, schools, a hotel, and a military depot to house us. No fenced-in open-air camps, tents, and outhouses for us. The buildings were more than habitable, with bathing facilities, toilets, electricity and piped-in water. For the nostalgic effect of it all I recall the names of those refugee centers: Caixa Escolar, BELA VISTA HOTEL, Clube Sargento, Escola Luso-Chinesa, Clube de Macau, Gremio Militar, Chacra Leitรฃo, #3 Rua da Praia Grande, Rua de Sรฃo Paulo, Armaรงรฃo, and even the “Tung Hui,” a moored river steamer.
--------Our family of 10 was lucky to be assigned to Caixa Escolar, a two-storey clubhouse fronted by a turfed hockey field and basketball courts. Right next to it was the Liceu Nacional Infante D. Henrique, a classy high school. In addition to scheduled hockey and soccer matches, Liceu student activities were also a source of diversion for us refugees, which we spectated from the verandah of the clubhouse. The Mocidade, of which I was a member, practiced their marching parades there too. Caixa Escolar was well kept and conveniently located, with the main drag Rua do Campo running alongside of us. Not a bad set-up under the circumstances, I’d say.
--------Another stroke of luck: The four eldest girls in our family of 10 were whisked away immediately to live as boarders at Colรฉgio de Santa Rosa de Lima where Mother’s sister, Bertha Xavier, was a nun, Mother Socorro.
Yet another stroke of luck: Mrs. Letty Antunes lived two blocks away on Rua Tap Seac. She was Dad’s sister. I appreciated this because her bathroom was a definite improvement over the one we had at the center! And this underfed boy could always find something to nibble on at Aunty Letty’s.
--------Caixa Escolar is so graphically indelible in my memory that despite many a senior moment these days I can still recall a lot of what I experienced there as an 11-year old boy. For example, I can remember those housed on the upper floor where we were: the families of Mr. & Mrs. Afino Santos, Mrs. Beatrice O’Brien, Mrs. Chellie Franco, Mrs. Regina Machado, Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Mattos, and the family of Mrs. Isabel Luz.
--------We lived at Caixa Escolar for just a few months before moving out to our own home. That was made possible by the generosity and highmindedness of Dad’s employers, the Asiatic Petroleum Company, a business style of Shell Oil Company, which continued to remit his monthly salary. Corporations had a heart in those days! Too, we received a small monthly subsidy from the Macau government in lieu of staying at the center.

Yolanda Christian Thanks guys. Alexander Wong Kieron Combes If anyone knows a relative of Horatio Ozorio. please send him our regards.
Kieron Combes Could Jeremy from KGV in the 70’s be a relative
Alexander Wong I am sure Anne Ozorio and his father our Scout Veteran Jorge must be related to him
Yolanda Christian Alexander Wong He's almost 90 now and was tending after his wife. that's the last I heard from him by email.
George Remedios Yolanda, my aunt lived in Bela Vista with her 10 kids in one room as far as I know - my other relatives lived in Fai Chi Kei - HK Macanese refugees also went to school in English in Macau during the war, temporary school
Yolanda Christian George Remedios Thanks for letting me know. It's good to know these things.
Rosa Ross George Remedios George what was your aunts name. I lived in Bela Vista during the war
George Remedios Yolanda, is that a photo of CAIXA ESCOLAR - from memory I remember a school called ESCOLA DE IDALIA DA LUZ, a temporary war time school for HK Macanese (instruction in English) Know that ?
Chris Donnolley Many people owe their lives to the Portuguese for remaining, in theory, neutral but in reality on the side of what was right. Righteous little Macau never turned anyone away, to my knowledge, who turned up there seeking safe haven. Many Portuguese nationals in HK also played an incredibly risky game during the war by helping out POWs via international agencies like the Red Cross and also just sheer audacity
Yolanda Christian Chris Donnolley It's wonderful, isn't it?
George Remedios Yolanda Christian Hi Yolanda, I gave Rosa my aunt's name on a Message and she knows the family well and is friends with my cousins
Yolanda Christian Chris Donnolley Very easy to miss this very important comment. I hope when you have some time on your hands that you'll be able to tell me more or point me towards some publications. Many thanks, Chris.
Rosa Ross Yolanda Christian read the Lone Flag by John Reeves, the British consul in Macau during the war. Available on Amazon
Yolanda Christian Rosa Ross will that tell me about brave Portuguese and Macanese? I ask this because the author is British. If so, Rosa you will have made my day. Totally!
Rosa Ross It will tell you of life during the occupation of Hong Kong, some brave activities of individuals and gives a good picture of the four years we spent there. I totally enjoyed it as I even recognized some names.
Yolanda Christian Rosa Ross Many thanks for the tip. xx Happy Christmas. xx
Rosa Ross Happy Christmas to you too. Hope you enjoy the book

Kitty Au Interesting hotel. Nice outdoor with a big tree
Kitty Au I like the very Portuguese blue tiles
Yolanda Christian Yes, I wouldn't mind some of those tiles in my home.
George Remedios Kitty and Yolanda, in Macau some of the old street signs are made of these blue and white tiles
George Remedios Yolanda Christian these Portuguese tiles are "azulejos" and I believe they learned this art from the Moors who lived in Portugal
Yolanda Christian George Remedios I've probably seen the tiles myself in Macau, but I went a long time ago.
Yolanda Christian George Remedios Yes, the Moors. Fabulous.
Juanita Grout Yes, we went there once when we were very young. The staff didn't like our wooden clogs, made too much noise!
Anderson Wn Chan The best steak I ever had.
Yolanda Christian Glad to hear of a satisfied customer.
Yolanda Christian Just in case anyone missed Chris Donnolley's comment, here it is again: "Many people owe their lives to the Portuguese for remaining, in theory, neutral but in reality on the side of what was right. Righteous little Macau never turned anyone away, to my knowledge, who turned up there seeking safe haven. Many Portuguese nationals in HK also played an incredibly risky game during the war by helping out POWs via international agencies like the Red Cross and also just sheer audacity."
Dan Yip Abandoned his family, Ho Tung fled to Macau during Japanese occupation of HK. Why did he do that? That has always been a mystery.
Yolanda Christian Dan Yip Please tell us more. I don't know Ho Tung.
Dan Yip Yolanda Christian For a more accurate account of Ho, Chinese readers go to this little biography written by two notable academics:

Other than that. Ho Tung is wikipediable. From his story, we see a brief history of an Eurasian’s adventure in Hong Kong and in Macau, of course, other Hos, especially Stanley Ho, sre equally interesting legendary figures.
George Remedios Dan Yip Ho Tung fled to Macau? you mean Sir Robert Ho Tung? abandoned his family? With his kind of money he could have brought his family ?
Yolanda Christian Just to remind you Dan Yip, the original comment is about brave Portuguese / Macanese and I'm very keen to hear more about this.
Dan Yip George Remedios Yes. That’s why it was a mystery. Biographers never specified why.
Yolanda Christian Dan Yip I'm always glad to hear more stories and experiences. many thanks to you and Happy Christmas. xx
Chris Donnolley Stanley Ho moved to Macau during the war and learned his Japanese by “trading” with them
Yolanda Christian Chris Donnolley and everyone else, as you know many people fled to Macau, including the mother of and his father took everyone else off to Singapore. But then as you know, Singapore fell quickly and poor David found it very hard to understand why his dad stopped being a journalist and opened up a restaurant. His main clients were the Japanese. Many thanks!
Chris Donnolley Yolanda, my exact sources are from a number of books, read long ago, which are not at hand. But they and include The Brave White Flag, Austin Coates’ A Macao Narrative, a book about the British Army Aid Group that was formed by members of the HK Volunteers who operated behind enemy lines during WWII, including inside the city, and of course Philip Snow’s monumental Fall of Hong Kong. I also recall a doco about Europeans of neutral countries who remained in HK during the war, mostly the local Portuguese community, although many of them relinquished their neutrality by joining the Allies. There was a very good interview with a woman whose name I forget who volunteered for the Red Cross to deliver messages to Stanley POW camp. She worked out a code whereby the inmates could get some idea of the progress of the war by the way she wore her scarf. One way meant the Allies had scored victories, the other meant there had been setbacks

Paddy Briggs Oh yes ! Sitting on the balcony enjoying breakfast. A moment frozen in time. Though we used to visit rather than stay there. Jardines friends entertained us in the splendid Jardine’s apartment. Dinner in the Portuguese restaurant in the Lisboa. Breakfast at the Bella Vista.
Patricia Malone Breakfast in the Bella Vista was probably the worst I ever had! Eggs that had hardly set and floating in oil! And the staff were a shambles.
Paddy Briggs Patricia Malone Happy memories...
Yolanda Christian Patricia Malone You might have been unlucky. Quite a few people report on the best fresh bread rolls they ever had. I'm glad you didn't get salmonella! xx Happy Christmas Patricia xx
Yolanda Christian Paddy Briggs You're yolking of course. Egg on your face.
Paddy Briggs My photo from 1992

Fred Schneiter One of the most charming and memorable little hotels anywhere. Ever. See the chapter on,"A Haunting Memoray of Macau".in my book, "The Taste of Old Hong Kong--Recipes and memories from 30 years on the China Coast." Those were the days,my friend.
Yolanda Christian Hi Fred, thank you for that. What about your own experiences of the Bela Vista? xx Happy Christmas. xx

Juanita Grout Is your book still available?
 Yolanda Christian WOW. This is what it says about 'The Lone Flag' by John Reeves WOW: When Hong Kong fell to the Japanese on Christmas Day 1941, Macao was left as a tiny isolated enclave on the China Coast surrounded by Japanese-held territory. As a Portuguese colony, Macao was neutral, and John Reeves, the British Consul, could remain there and continue his work despite being surrounded in all directions by his country's enemy. His main task was to provide relief to the 9,000 or more people who crossed the Pearl River from Hong Kong to take refuge in Macao and who had a claim for support from the British Consul. The core of this book is John Reeves' memoir of those extraordinary years and of his tireless efforts to provide food, shelter and medical care for the refugees. He coped with these challenges as Macao's own people faced starvation. Despite Macao's neutrality, it was thoroughly infiltrated by Japanese agents. Marked for assassination, he had to have armed guards as he went about his business. He also had to navigate the complexities of multiple intelligence agencies-British, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese Nationalist-in a place that was described as the Casablanca of the Far East.
Yolanda Christian My original purpose was simply to have fun, but this post is very informative and I am very grateful to you all. Big kisses all round.
Chan Ho Pang ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
Rosa Ross Great
Yolanda Christian Penelope Elias Well, that is very kind of you, m'dear.
Meena Na Chao Only had afternoon tea there one time

Teresa Wong As repeated tourists, many times.

Yolanda Christian You are a tease, Teresa Wong, because you don't tell us any of your stories / memories of the Bela Vista. P.S. Happy New Year!!!!!
Teresa Wong Hi Yolanda, I'll tell you stories later, probably during New Year holidays. Still working full and overtime carrying on my late husband's business. He spoke most European languages, incl Portuguese, of course. We both loved to go back to Bella Vista even when we couldn't book a room. We enjoyed the real Portuguese food and wine in their stylish restaurant.

Yolanda Christian Teresa Wong Many thanks for taking the time to get back to me. I'm sorry to hear that you are so busy. Sounds tough. Happy New Year, Teresa.

Kirsty Bain Many Christmas hols spent there in the 60’s.
Thomas Stumpf Stayed a few nights there with my father and brother for a holiday, and I remember the hotel as being just the most delightful and charming place!
Brian Almond Grilled sardines and vinho verde on the balcony. Priceless b
Yolanda Christian Delicious no doubt
Yolanda Christian Bought the book. Thank you Rosa Ross and Chris Donnolley. £29! Grrrr.

Tracy Cosgrove Found this photo today  :)

Tracy Cosgrove This was my mum and Dad , we were there in 89 . lol I remember some one slurping an egg lol .
Chris DonnolleyThe Fawlty Towers of the Orient

Steve Garcia Just wondering who remembers the huge 5 llter flagons of Vinho Verde and Tinto that were covered with rice husk mud. It used to cost next to nothing and we used to demolish flagons of these during the Grand Prix and if I remember correctly we were allowed a logon each duty free back to HK. One of the things about these wines was that once opened they had to be consumed within a couple of days because they did keep for long before turning to vinegar. Would appreciate it if anyone have pictures of the flagons.
Judith Spencer Remember the huge flagons with very rough wine which we used to drink on ferry after having played hockey. This photo is of a better quality wine in ceramic bottles with dancing figures from Portugal but brought back from Macau in 60s. I use it for keeping olive oil in my Lincolnshire kitchen

Judith Spencer Remember the huge flagons with very rough wine which we used to drink on ferry after having played hockey. This photo is of a better quality wine in ceramic bottles with dancing figures from Portugal but brought back from Macau in 60s. I use it for keeping olive oil in my Lincolnshire kitchen
Yolanda Christian INFORMATIVE LINK Chan Ho Pang Chris Donnelly Alexander Wong Dan Yip and many others: Answers a lot of questions.
Jet Hitoshi Nagai Found a hotel card of Bela Vista. 1996 or so.

Jet Hitoshi Nagai
Yolanda Christian Thanks for that Jet Hitoshi Nagai I copied it over to my desktop.
Jet Hitoshi Nagai Please, take it. Glad to share it together.  ๐Ÿ‘
Meena Na Chao Now the San Tiago hotel?
6 Replies
Yolanda Christian Thanks Chao Meena Na and Dan Yip. It would be good to know if the manager Paulo Chung survived.
Meena Na Chao Wow such nice pic
Yolanda Christian Steve Garcia "Austin Coates’ favorite room was 209, on the upper right corner facing the governor’s mansion … his favorite drink was Casal Garcia." blog quote from manager Adrian Marques. Don't suppose 'Casal Garcia' is anything to do with you?
7 Replies
Merlyn Chesterman Had honeymoon at the Bela Vista in 1979
6 Replies
Meena Na Chao That sounds wonderful
Yolanda Christian If you know anyone who would be willing to open up about their refugee experiences via Messenger or on this post, I would be very grateful. Also honeymoon. Although they are experiences far removed from each other, I would find your accounts most useful.
Yolanda Christian Thanks for your support Dan Yip and Penelope Elias.

Felix Patrikeeff Please feel free to use any comments I made!
Vicki Armour An Icon in Macau, was there in the last days for lunch 1998

Peter Johnson I absolutely loved that place. More water running down the walls than through the taps, but utterly charming, and a damned good kitchen.

Thomas Stumpf Loved the place!! Spent a wonderful holiday week there with my father and brother (ca. 1958!)

Kirsty Bain Stayed three Christmases at the Bela Vista in the mid 60’s. It was wonderful! I remember the hot rolls and fresh squeezed orange juice in the morning and the sleepy town Macau was back then.

Derek Sloan Wasn't that frontage used in the movie " The Money Pit " ?

Joan Summers Tourist.... 1961.....

Lyn Baxter We used to go there for weekend breaks from HK -60’ and early 70’

Matthew Birch We used to often stay there as a family during the late ‘50’s and ‘60’s during the GP. I also went to a wedding there in the early ‘90’s. Iain and Julie Muir

Denis Ribeiro Stayed there fairly regularly as a family in the 1950's, then many years later with my wife in room 209 (the upper corner room shown in this picture) during the early 80's. Unforgettable! Irreplaceable!

Jennifer Bowskill Yes. My son, Mum and my ex husband. We always stayed there

Jacqueline Brown I stayed there with John McDonald when he won the GP in 1965.

Marlene Groome Went there for my honeymoon

Philip D Morais Been there many times, when it was a hotel and as the residence of the Counsel General.

Ada Liu oh! one of my favourite hotel in Macau...! Those were the day...

Kim Kenchington Who remembers the Bela Vista Balls, before the 'old lady' was sold/leased to the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group? MOHG did a stunning renovation and after operating it as an hotel for a few years, after Macau's handover in 1999, it became the Chief Executive's private residence. Meals served on the balcony were lengthy, delicious and memorable.

Enidandeddie Lang Did I mention the March of the Cockroaches from our room on the ground floor to the kitchen? Lights on - silence. Lights off - rustle, rustle as they forged their way through the dust under the beds!
This was 1969 (seems like yesterday!) But what a wo
nderful time to visit Macau before the serious development started. Especially exciting to travel on the ferry with its risquรฉ floor shows and to go to the casinos on the junks. (We had our five-year-old with us so both the shows and the casinos were very
fleeting visits!
I recognised your name from the 60s site.
I'll go on to Amazon forthwith!

Elizabeth Oram Yes tourist.

Elizabeth Oram And I remember the noisy air conditioners. Lol!

Margaret Bunny Spencer Stayed here all the time in the 50s with my parents as my father was chief engineer of the Macau ferry Fat Shan at that time.

Wong Vincent Must be good

Wong Vincent Good for film set... like The Lover

Mark Roberts Tourist 4 times

Wong Vincent Is it still there?
I think I had a picture of it, in pink colour

Cecilia Crocker Stayed there often with my parents. Quick nip over from H.K. I now live in Portugal. The Casal Garcia is in bottles & the grilled sardines are good.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Yolanda Christian Posted for Chris King: The one in the tri-shaw was taken in 1967 on my first visit to Macau. Babs wasn't with me as she was pregnant with Nick and had to take things easy after a spell in the Matilda Hospital. The one on the balcony is me and the family breakfasting.

Amanda Williams Yes - as a tourist! I loved it!!!

Tingkwokjoseph Tsui I have stayed there for more than 4 times before 1997. It was really an antique European building and I remembered the cheapest rate I have ever encountered was 99 HK Dollar/double room/night. I think it was around 80s. I went to Macau frequently at that time because I enjoyed watching Jai alai. After the ceasing of the game, I seldom went to Macau. I missed the sport very much and I plan to have a trip either to Dania Beach in US or Biarritz in France where professional Jai alai can be seen again so as to continue and refresh my memory

Stilton de Montfort Used to go there in the evenings from HK for dinner and then a bit o blackjack down the road - fond memories early 90s
Henry Ku Was it called ็ซนไป”ๅฎค

Yolanda Christian Thanks Philip Cheung I've almost finished archiving everyone's comments, but if you ever went to tbe Bela Vista it would be good to know about it.